
To kick off National Apprenticeship Week, United We Heal (UWH) celebrated their graduating apprentices in Portland on Friday, November 15th. 

Workers from the Stabilization and Crisis Unit (SACU), represented by Oregon AFSCME Local 1264, have announced a vote of no confidence against Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Direc

In a nearly unanimous vote today, Benton County workers represented by AFSCME Local 2064 ratified a strong three-year contract, following nearly a year of bargaining and five days on the strike lin

In the final days of session, the Legislature passed a bill that they referred to as a “Cost Containment” bill.  The bill had many provisions but, one that received very little scrutiny and no public hearing was a provision to no longer allow two public employees that are covered under either the state healthcare benefit plan, PEBB, or the school district health plans, OEBB, to both be covered as dependents of each other.  While the bill had several good things and some that caused concerns, we opposed it due to the elimination of double coverage for members.  As soon as we heard rumo

Chartwells Higher Education, a food service subsidiary of Compass Group USA, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME Council 75 re-recognizing AFSCME as the collective bargaining representative of roughly 90 food service workers employed by Chartwells at Portland State University.
AFSCME Local 1336 has represented those same workers for many years through at least two different food service contractors.  With many student workers and high turnover within the bargaining unit staffing has been a perpetual concern.  Representatives of AFSCME initiated a disc

On Sunday, April 30th, our 2017 Oregon AFSCME Convention wrapped up with the swearing in of our officers and executive committee. Members began embracing, saying goodbyes, snapping their last selfies, and packing up their belongings to make the journey home. It was a quiet and nice end to a convention that began with a rally in the Capitol Rotunda that shook the walls, and a fire-branded speech from AFSCME International President Lee Saunders.

Fair Shot Agenda Update

Our Partners at Fair Shot Oregon are hard at work representing working families and progressive values in the Legislature. 

Where the bills are now: