
PORTLAND, OR – Newly sworn-in Multnomah County District Attorney Nathan Vasquez recently referred to Oregon’s public defense crisis as a “work stoppage” in an OPB interview.

PORTLAND, OR – Yesterday, City of Portland workers represented by Oregon AFSCME Local 189 voted 87% in favor of a strike, with 89% of members participating in the vote.

To kick off National Apprenticeship Week, United We Heal (UWH) celebrated their graduating apprentices in Portland on Friday, November 15th. 

When AFSCME members stand together, we have power in numbers. Together, we can defend our freedom to take our loved ones to the doctor when they get sick and retire with dignity some day. Together, we have the power to make our voices heard at work and in our democracy. That’s our AFSCME Agenda.

Public service workers across the country are losing their foothold in the middle class. So says an article in The New York Times this week that serves as a reminder of why labor unions are more needed now than ever.

In developing priorities for the 2015 contract negotiations, AFSCME Local 328 identified that there were significant barriers for lower-wage workers wanting to access educational programs needed to advance within OHSU, which disproportionally affected underrepresented employees. Our union brought the issue of workforce development for low-wage earners to the bargaining table. During negotiations, Local 328 and OHSU formally agreed that recruitment and retention of a more diverse workforce is a priority for both organizations.

Earlier this month the 2018 Short Session came to an end. While the session will mainly be remembered for what did not happen (Cap and Invest), there are some important things to inform you about. 


Important Vote For Oregon AFSCME: Privacy Protection Vote

Oregon AFSCME will be conducting a state-wide vote to change the Union's corporate status under Oregon law. Here is what this change will do.

Today, members across Oregon kicked off the state’s 3rd AFSCME Strong Week with a number of events designed to celebrate the union difference and help us keep building toward a brighter future for our jobs, our families and our communities. 

AFSCME Local 88 members were voting on their great new contract that will help keep up with cost of living, keeps health care expenses under control and takes a number of steps to make our work is respected every single day. 

Oregon AFSCME stands in support of Measure 101, a ballot measure which is a fee on hospitals and insurance companies that fund Medicaid, and provides healthcare coverage for 1 in 4 Oregonians. Our Union endorsed support 101 for some pretty simple reasons and we wanted to make sure members understand why.

Oregon AFSCME members have begun to be contacted by the Freedom Foundation. Their goal? Using misleading information to get union members to undermine their own ability to protect their pay, pensions, benefits and working conditions.

For years, the Freedom Foundation has pushed an anti-labor agenda in Washington state and now, they have their sights set on Oregon. We have the power to stop this assault on our collective voice but to do so we must understand what we’re up against.