
In a significant step towards ensuring equitable healthcare access for all Oregonians, Governor Kotek has signed SB 1578 into law.

Salem, Oregon - Oregon's 82nd Legislative Assembly passed HB 4045, the Public Safety Workforce Stabilization Act, an historic investment in Oregon's public safety workers..

SALEM, OR - As a newly appointed Salem City Councilor, Vanessa Nordyke takes public service seriously.

While not the only resident vying to serve out Ms. Cook’s term, at the city council’s vote, Nordyke received the most votes and was sworn in as Salem City Councilor, Ward 7.  

Interns, residents, and fellows at OHSU - also known as house officers - submitted union authorization cards on Tuesday, October 15th. A strong majority of the over 800 house officers signed authorization cards signaling their desire to form OHSU-House Officers Union/AFSCME. House officers are a crucial part of clinical operations at OHSU, often the first physician a patient sees in the emergency room, hospital, or clinic.

Graduate Researchers United/Oregon AFSCME (GRU), a union of PhD research students at OHSU, rallied over 100 OHSU graduate research students, faculty and community supporters on Wednesday to demand respect after OHSU management tried rescinding previously agreed-upon language.

“GRU members are fed up with OHSU’s disrespectful bargaining tactics” said GRU Chief Negotiator, Sam Papadakis.

The 56th Oregon AFL-CIO Convention voted on a resolution that restricts contributions to the lawmakers that turned their backs on public employees. Read their statement:

Oregon AFL-CIO Passes PERS Accountability Resolution

Following passage of the anti-worker SB1049, the board of Oregon AFSCME, representing over 26,000 public sector employees, voted unanimously to disqualify legislators that voted for SB1049 from Oregon AFSCME’s 2020 endorsement process. 

“Legislators that voted for SB1049 devalued the work we do on behalf of the people of Oregon,” said Jeff Klatke, President of Oregon AFSCME.

Following a signing ceremony for the Post Traumatic Stress Injury Reform Bill (SB507), Oregon AFSCME released the following statement:

A collaboration from SEIU Local 503, Oregon Education Association, Oregon AFSCME, and Oregon AFL-CIO.

With former Vice President Joe Biden confirming his participation on Tuesday, the AFSCME-sponsored presidential candidate forum on Aug. 3 will be the biggest event of its kind in our union’s history.