
SALEM, OR – Understaffing, extreme overtime and lack of safety protocols are creating untenable situations in the workplace, based on member survey results released today by Oregon AFSCME in their

PORTLAND, OR – Newly sworn-in Multnomah County District Attorney Nathan Vasquez recently referred to Oregon’s public defense crisis as a “work stoppage” in an OPB interview.

PORTLAND, OR – Yesterday, City of Portland workers represented by Oregon AFSCME Local 189 voted 87% in favor of a strike, with 89% of members participating in the vote.

Workers At New Avenues For Youth Win Union Representation With AFSCME

PORTLAND, OR - Over 130 people working at New Avenues For Youth (NAFY), a nonprofit focused on preventing and intervening in cases of youth homelessness, overwhelmingly won union recognition after a strong majority voted for Oregon AFSCME in an election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Despite the Senate Republican walkout that has spanned the last three weeks, we have made some serious progress on our worker safety agenda this session!

SB 418 will cover all necessary time off for injured workers who need continued care after a workplace injury. This bill is currently awaiting a vote on the House floor today, and is expected to pass! 

May 2023 Revenue Forecast Signals Incredible Opportunity to Make Long-Overdue Investments in State Workforce and Infrastructure

The release of the latest statewide quarterly revenue forecast shows a nearly $2 billion increase in state revenue, creating a golden opportunity for Oregon to make some much-needed investments to keep our state moving forward. 

Thank you to all the delegates, guests and staff that helped make our 2023 Oregon AFSCME Convention so successful. It’s hard to think of anything better than seeing and connecting with the over 100 Oregon AFSCME delegates in-person in Salem from across our State.

OHSU Postdocs Win Union Representation With AFSCME
Postdocs join the over 9,000 Oregon AFSCME represented workers at OHSU

PORTLAND, OR - After a strong majority of the over 240 postdoctoral research staff at Oregon Health and Sciences University submitted union authorization cards, the Oregon Employment Relations Board certified their union with Oregon AFSCME.

Now that the Postdocs have their union, they are looking towards bargaining their first contract.