
PORTLAND, OR - Roughly 250 postdoctoral researchers represented by Oregon AFSCME at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) voted yesterday to authorize a strike if OHS

As some of you know, last year I was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. I was very scared and was not sure what would happen.

Oregon AFSCME members aren’t afraid to make their voices heard. Last month, AFSCME members like you from across the state, stood up and spoke out for themselves and each other. 

Thank you to all the delegates, guests and staff that helped make our 2023 Oregon AFSCME Convention so successful. It’s hard to think of anything better than seeing and connecting with the over 100 Oregon AFSCME delegates in-person in Salem from across our State.

OHSU Postdocs Win Union Representation With AFSCME
Postdocs join the over 9,000 Oregon AFSCME represented workers at OHSU

PORTLAND, OR - After a strong majority of the over 240 postdoctoral research staff at Oregon Health and Sciences University submitted union authorization cards, the Oregon Employment Relations Board certified their union with Oregon AFSCME.

Now that the Postdocs have their union, they are looking towards bargaining their first contract.

During last night's City of Warrenton City Commissioners meeting, members of our AFSCME Local 2746-5 packed the room to address the Commission publicly about the struggles that City employees are facing. We conducted a recent union survey that confirmed our members are having a difficult time providing for their families, paying basic medical bills, and are having to take second or third jobs to make ends meet in our community. All employees surveyed indicated they were actively looking for new employment. We believe this is a crisis that the City should act on immediately.

PORTLAND, OR, April 20, 2023—After negotiating a three-year collective bargaining agreement, Central City Concern (CCC) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) have signed a Neutrality Agreement declaring non-represented employees have the freedom of choice on the question of whether or not to be represented by ​Oregon ​AFSCME. Over 300 of the 1,100 CCC employees are currently represented by AFSCME.